Sunday, December 2, 2007

Somebody talking about weight loss

A little over three years ago my first child was born. As I looked at the pictures I realized I was much heavier than I had thought. The scales only went up to 350 so I had not weighed in a while. When I found scales that did weigh me I was closer to 400 pounds than I had imagined. I also happened to have a doctor’s visit that same month and was told that my blood pressure was high, my blood sugar was high, and I have gout arthritis.

I started thinking about my little girl’s future and my lack of ability to get in the floor and play with her when that time comes. I decided then I needed to do something. But like many commitments I had made to myself over time I did not follow through. It was not till about 2 years ago with we were expecting our second child that it hit me. Any story or event that I would have to tell to my daughters would have to start with “I remember when…” My best was in my past. Sure I had always been large, but I was a highly recruited high school football player and had great stories to tell. I knew this was not the example I wanted to set for my little girls. I wanted them to always believe that their best, whatever it is, is in front of them. It was then I decided that I had to set that example. I wanted my athletic best and health best to be in front of me!
I was reading that a local hospital had a new very low calorie plan that was offered under doctor’s care. My mother had just been diagnosed with diabetes and needed to lose weight too. So we started this program together. Over the next twelve weeks I drank just 500 calories of shakes a day and worked out and trained for a 5K. I lost about 97 pounds during this time. Since then I have lost another 25 and run a ½ marathon and a triathlon. The physical activity has played a vital role in helping me keep the weight off. I now look at food at fuel instead of fun (most of the time) and am looking forward to another triathlon in July and my first marathon in October in Chicago. In November I will register for the Florida Ironman and spend next year preparing for that, I want to be able to say that in less than 3 years I went from almost 400 pounds to an ironman. If I have learned anything, I know that will not be the end. Great health is not a destination in itself, it is a journey, a journey that I am enjoying and making the most of each day.
by: Brad